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Milton UG-TR226

Milton was born with albinism, a condition where one's skin lacks melanin to protect it from the sun. Milton lives with his family in a one room grass thatch hut. He has 4 siblings, including one who has albinism like him. They live in a remote area, where most people live off of small farms and gardens. Both of Milton's parents are living with him, but his father does not care for or provide for Milton or his sibling with albinism. Sadly, albinism is seen as a curse in most of Uganda. The father does small scale farming and the mother bakes and sells pan cakes in an attempt to provide for the two albino children on her own. Having children with albinism comes with extra cost. Besides food, clothing and school fees, they also need protective items for their skin, such as sun lotion, hats, and sunglasses.
DOB: 10/13/2017
Country: Uganda