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Triny UG-GZ772

 Triny was born a normal, healthy child. But when she was 2 years old her face started swelling. Her father left the family around that time, so she lives only with her mother and two sisters. Her tumor continued to grow until it became very serious. It became difficult for Triny to breathe or eat. Her mother took her to the hospital and the doctors confirmed that it was a facial tumor. She needed operation, but she was too young at that point. She had to wait until she was 10 years old, when generous donors raised the money for her to be sent to the UK for the operation. Unfortunately, a year later, the tumor began to grow again, and at a surprisingly fast rate.

Around that time, her sponsor visited Uganda and met Triny. She helped to coordinate having a special surgeon coming from the UK to Uganda to perform the operation. This second operation was successful, and the Doctor said that the tumor will most likely stop growing when Triny reaches adulthood, around 20 years old. She goes back to the hospital periodically for reviews. Thankfully right now her face does not seem to be growing the tumor again, but she has a lot of headaches and her one eye does not see well.

She is now in Secondary school and is very intelligent. She does very well, despite her difficulties. She dreams of one day becoming a surgeon herself. Triny is in need of one more sponsor to help her finish school and support her in her next steps, whether she pursues a university degree or some other training.

*Stories do not necessarily reflect the assistance of ECM. ECM covers general educational costs, basic needs and medical needs for all children enrolled. *

See video about Triny here:
DOB: 05/18/2004
Country: Uganda