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David UG-CM778

David was born with albinism, a condition where one has no pigmentation to protect his skin and eyes from the sun. This condition alone caused his life to start out on a more difficult path than other children. Sadly, on top of that his father died a gruesome death from an accident in a sugar factory back when David was in 6th grade. So David's mother has been on her own raising him and her other children. His mother had to sell a big chunk of their land (which they were using to grow a garden) just to survive. David's mother worked so hard roasting and selling maize on the side of the road, to get the money for him to go to school. But unfortunately, it was never enough. Then David's mother started having some problems with intense pain in her leg that prevented her from walking much. Around that time David attended the albinism day and medical clinic that ECM held at Jinja a few years ago. Our staff saw that David clearly needed help to finish school, so he enrolled in the program and we found a sponsor for him. He has finished high school and now will be entering our Next Step program. He will be training in music production, which he is very passionate about and talented in, so that he can become self-employed and help his family!  David currently has three sponsors, but could use one more to help fully fund him!
DOB: 08/16/2002
Country: Uganda