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Raffel UG-GZ797

Raffel was living with his elderly grandmother, but she died last year. So he now stays with a family friend named Mike, who is now his guardian. Mike is a peddler, buying and selling various items on the streets. The sleeping conditions are very bad; Raffel sleeps on a thin mat with an old blanket. Sadly, Raffel's mother committed suicide shortly after he was born because Raffel's father, who was a rebel in the LRA war, raped her and ran away. Raffel's father doesn't even know that he has a son, and no one knows where he is at. So Raffel has never known his mother or father. Mike loves Raffel and cares for him in the best way he can, but he cannot provide enough to cover Raffel's basic needs and send him to school.

*Stories do not necessarily reflect the assistance of ECM. ECM covers general educational costs, basic needs and medical needs for all children enrolled. *
DOB: 03/28/2017
Country: Uganda