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Sampson GH-HH846

Sampson is a twin of the 2 sets of twins in the family. His mother was left with 7 children when her husband abandoned them because he believes that twins are a curse. Dinah lost everything and has been living in a small shack with her seven children. She has had to beg for food and her children show signs of malnutrition. Despite her difficulties Dinah loves the Lord and relies on Him to make it through each day. Recently Haven of Hope Missionaries were able to help Dinah by securing safe housing, getting her children off the streets, and helping her start a small business. Sampson and his siblings now happily live and study at Haven of Hope. But in order to continue, he needs a sponsor to help pay for him to receive a quality Christian education, and be empowered to pursue the calling of God on his life. Would you consider sponsoring Sampson?

*Stories do not necessarily reflect the assistance of ECM. ECM covers general educational costs, basic needs and medical needs for all children enrolled. *

DOB: 04/12/2011
Country: Ghana