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Vincent UG-KH3025

Vincent is a young boy in Uganda in need of sponsorship.  He lives with his widowed mother and sister.  His mother does odd jobs such as working in gardens and fetching water but is unable to support the family and cover school fees.  Vincent dreams of becoming a judge when he is older but is currently unable to attend school in order to get the education he needs.  Would you prayerfully consider helping him and bringing hope, help and dignity in Jesus' name?

Family Duties: cleaning, fetching water

Daily Meals: 1 meal/day usually consisting of foods such as rice, posho or beans

Disabilities: None

Mother: Yes
Father: Deceased
Siblings: 1 sister

*Stories do not necessarily reflect the assistance of ECM. ECM covers general educational costs, basic needs and medical needs for all children enrolled. *
DOB: 11/07/2016
Country: Uganda